11 people have responded to the opinions expressed on this website.

8 people strongly agree with the opinions expressed on this website.
2 people somewhat agree with the opinions expressed on this website.
0 people are neutral with the opinions expressed on this website.
0 people somewhat disagree with the opinions expressed on this website.
1 person strongly disagrees with the opinions expressed on this website.
0 people don`t know what to think about the opinions expressed on this website.

AgreementFirst nameLast nameCityStateEmailComments
SomewhatAgreeMarkBellNJprivateNew data suggests the mortalit...more
StronglyAgreeFrankMillsonPrincetonNJprivateHundreds showed up today in Tr...more
StronglyAgreeStevenGuydosNJprivateThere are so many avenues that...more
SomewhatAgreejoecivitanoNJprivatelove the blog, want to learn c...more